Sunday, January 7, 2018
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Crossdream Life is a discussion forum for all kinds of gender variance, from cis people who break gender boundaries on the one hand to trans...
Transmaxxing is a term from incel culture and it refers to the way som male-identifying incels decide to transition and live as women, as ...
"Autogynephilia" has been defined as "a male's propensity to be sexually aroused by the thought of himself as a female....
Fiona Dobson tells the story about wives who love to feminize their husbands over at Medium. This means that feminization fantasies is not ...
I have added two online crossdreamer discussion arenas to the portal: The Girlfag Livejournal Community and the RSS comments feed from my o...
Crossdreamers and transgender people people have used a wide variety of tools to explore and express their gender variance throughout the a...